Industrial Technical Center for Plastics and Composites



Would you like to prove the recyclability of your products?

Increase the value of your products by proving their recyclability

Communication on issues related to the circular economy is increasingly important. More and more companies are developing CSR policies or ecodesign policies due to changing consumer expectations. As a result, improving your products’ recyclability and communicating on that fact has become a real sales argument and point of difference. Companies who include recyclability in their strategy:

  • enjoy a better image and stand out from their competitors;
  • increase the value of their products;
  • can apply for new public contracts;
  • better meet buyers’ demands and win new business.

Product evaluation

IPC can help you evaluate the recyclability of your products. We have tools to enable you to assess the recyclability and compatibility of your flexible or rigid plastics at different incorporation rates, thanks in particular to a pilot recycling line for flexible and rigid plastic materials.

RECYCLASS certification

Do you need to communicate on or prove the recyclability of your packaging? IPC is RECYCLASS-accredited for evaluating the recyclability of your products and can issue a certificate.

Accompagner les industriels dans la recyclabilité de leurs produits plastiques : l'expertise IPC

En 2020, les emballages représentent 40% de la totalité des produits plastiques mis sur le marché en Europe. Les métiers demandeurs autour de la recyclabilité des polymères peuvent être très variés : Responsables R&D, Responsables Qualité, Développeurs produits, … Quoiqu’il en soit, l’emballage est aujourd’hui un secteur très demandeur. Pour en savoir plus sur l’accompagnement des industriels dans la recyclabilité des produits plastiques consultez cette courte vidéo de Jaime RODRIGUES, Responsable service Développement Matériaux chez IPC.

Carnot InstituteCTI NetworkISO 9001 SGS